My Trip To Hawaii | Oahu, Hawaii

Hey Ya’ll!

If you’re here reading this blog, I am so grateful to you! You are helping my small business and dream grow by clicking my links and reading my blogs. So thank you for that. Now, lets get into my short but amazing trip to Hawaii. Also, read about how I almost had a heart attack once we landed at the airport in Hawaii!

How this trip happened,

This trip was won by my husband from his job because he’s amazing! He came to the room, woke me up and said hey would you want to go to Mexico?? Backstory: we had been watching Breaking Bad. (if you havent seen this show basically its about drugs and they got kidnapped and were being taken to mexico to continue making drugs) . My response was “no, im not tryna die” He said well I won a trip and that could be one of the places they choose to send us… Thats when I realized he was being serious! Now im waking up my brain trying to comprehend, my whole answer changed lol! I was like when and what should I pack! Any whooo, eventually we find out that WE’RE GOING TO HAWAII!!! What a dream!

Packing and flying,

Y'ALL! I literally waited till the last minute to do all of the packing! Terrible of me because I did NOT have anything to wear…(or maybe I wanted a reason to buy some new dresses). Target and Walmart did not let me down on some last minute shopping. I got some cute dresses and a romper for my new figure! I lost 13lbs for this trip and I was feelin my new fits! I packed my son easy peasy but I couldnt resist and got him a new swimsuit from The Childrens Place. Okay, time to fly! I was so very nervous! If you know my son or if I have ever talked to you about my son, you KNOW he is a maniac when he has to be still. We took toys, snacks, and downloaded Ms. Rachel (her videos are a godsend! my son loves them so much.) Our flight left at 8:30am from Austin. When we got in our seats, we apologized to the people sitting around us before hand to warn them but thank goodness for good people, everyone was pretty understanding. Sorry to the women who sat in front of me, he was pulling on their chairs, I tried my best to keep him off but the struggle was real! Thankfully one of the flights wasnt full so he got a seat to himself! A bit of Advice…BUY THE EXTRA SEAT (if you can) it was so nice givinig him some space. Twelve hours later we arrived in Hawaii at 3:30pm. Crazy time jump right?! We get there and we were greated with FRESH LEIS, it was like something from a movie! Then i’m told NO BABIES ARE ALLOWED… Um what?! Im freaking out because here I am 12 hour flight away from home with a baby who isnt allowed to be there for the events we were supposed to attend! My husband is down the way trying to get our bags from the belt and I hurry up and go down there to tell him what I was informed of. WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO??? The hotel rep calls the event director and he says you need to sign a liability waiver for your baby and well call you a taxi… you guys! I thought we were getting kicked out or have to go back home. Thankfully crisis averted!

Arriving at the hotel,

The drive to the hotel was absolutely beautiful, it was a little gloomy from rain but the mountains and colorul flowers were something to be seen! We arrived at the Four Seasons, but to get there you have to drive through a security guarded gate, like what??? I am in AWE I dont think I have ever been anywhere fancy enough to go through a security guarded gate…except a parking garage lol. The palm trees, the moutains, the color, the fog, it was a dream come true! As you drive up to the hotel they had staff ready to greet us and place a lei on us once again… I loved it! We got our bracelets not cards but bracelets to access our room and headed up!

Day 1

What else can you do first but open the balcony doors to see the blue blue ocean! The breeze was breezing, the ocean was oceaning, the waves were crashing. UGH it was more than I could have ever imagined on my own, even better than what you see on TV. Then a ring at the door, the hotel sent up a baby robe, baby slippers and some baby essentials like wash, lotion and some sponges that spelled L. U. C. A. The hospitality was TOP NOTCH. We sat and took in the view for a bit, and then it was time to eat. There was a restaurant called Manalo Lounge we ordered some kabobs and “KFC Cauliflower” it was soooo delicious! The only way I can describe it, is that it tastes like seasame seed chicken but cauliflower! I WISH I could find that here in Austin… if you find it let me know! We also ordered a glass of sweet red wine, I cannot remeber what it was called but it was so click your tongue amazing! Of course we had to order chicken tenders and french fries for the little one. By the time we were done it was about 9pm and time to get ready to wind down for the next day.

Day 2

Waking up at 6am Hawaii time was easy for me because it was 11am Austin time, which is my normal wake up time…dont judge me. We got up and headed for breakfast. The fun thing about resorts is that everything you need is there! Breakfast was served at La Hiki they had a huge buffet with any breakfast item you could want, even an omlet station. My favorite was the french toast, YUM! My husbands favorite I think I can safely say was the eggs benedict, he ate like 3 of them. For the afternoon we had a food tour scheudled BUT since my son wasnt allowed to go on the tour we stayed behind and my husband enjoyed that adventure with his work people. Me and my son enjoyed some mommy and me time on the “lawn” it had such lush green grass and an incredible view of the ocean. If you have a baby you know nap time is essential! So nap time was in session. Lunch time was again at La Hiki, I had steak and truffle fries…Y’ALL just YUM. I have no complaints about any of the food! and they give cute triangle watermelon to my son every time! Time to burn some calories, we walked to the shops and found the Hawaiin starbucks because why not? The shops were soo cute I got souveniers for all my kids that stayed behind and my sisters and parents. It started to sprinkle so I jetted my butt back to the hotel! my husband arrived back to the hotel and we spent the rest of the day hanging out in the room until he had to go to his work event. While we were relaxing on the balcony we saw a RAINBOW like a FULL start to finish rainbow over the ocean! How amaizng! I didnt have the right camera lens to get a full picture so just believe me. Time for husband to go to his event. Was I a little sad that I couldnt be with him, yes, but it was so beautiful I couldn’t complain.

Day 3

Okay so this day started the same with the breakfast buffet so I wont bore you with that part but today was my turn for the daily “adventure” A FACIAL! If you have never gotten a facial before…GET ONE it’s sooo worth it! I have an amazing recommendation in Round Rock, TX if you need one! shoutout to Skinfluence Esthetics. 1pm comes and its facial time! I have never gotten a facial before so there I go, I leave my son with my husband and run! I arrived and got checked in, go down the stairs into the spa area. Its already like I have seen in movies, women walking around with their robes and slippers. Let me tell you I felt so out of place! but I am determined to get out of my comfort zone.

I was greeted by one of the spa staff where they instructed me to get undressed and put on the robe. I’m like undressed undressed??? like naked??? she says yes, mmhm. In my head I was like I thought this was a facial… but mmkay ill trust you. SO, I get undressed and follow the lady to my room. There was traquil music playing in the back and she says okay take off your robe get under the sheet and ill be back. Again, im like WHAT?! like be naked under the sheet? She said yeah, mmhm that fine. Im like ohhhhkayyyy ill trust you. I get under the sheet and the bed is warm, like when you take a sheet out of the dryer it felt amazing. The masseuse comes in to start the process. I wish I could remeber her name to give a shout out but anyway, she starts with some oils and honestly I cant even tell you what she did but it was amazing. She put hot towels on my feet, she massaged my arms, hot towels on my face, smushed out some black heads and used more oils and scrub. When I tell you I was more relaxed than I have ever been im not kidding that was self care at its finest. Also, If you’re in my area and you do meditation guided facials let me know because if there was anything else I could have added that would be it! At the end she gave me a cute little chocolate. I love gifts! even if its just a little treat.

I returned to my family for lunch at La Hiki, again such great food. After a nap with the baby we headed to the pool! (I forgot to mention, I took my son to the ocean but he wasnt a fan of the sand.) Me and my husband had some delicious pina coladas and my son splashed around in the pool, which was warmed! returning to cold pools at home is going to be such a disappointment * sigh * After spending some time in the big pool we headed to the hot tub cuz how could we not! the hot tub was bubbling with the jets and the temperature was perfect, what more could a girl ask for?! This particular day was full of adventure, me and Luca had a Luau to get to! (My husband had another work event/dinner to go to)

Off we went to the Luau at Paradise Cove. We entered and they gave me a drink and we got another lei! I love that they just give out leis for everything! They had facepainting, a souvenier shop, a jewelry shop, and photoshoot setups! I loved it all. Luca was having a blast, he was pushing his stoller around, crawling in the grass, running away from me, doing all the toddler things. They had dances and told stories. What a cool experience it was! If your in Hawaii going to a Luau is a MUST! After the Luau we did meet up with my husband and some of his coworkers that were also invited on the trip. Of course Luca stole the show. He was giving high fives and smiling at everyone, we chatted for about 5 minutes and left. Anymore than that and he would have entered his tatrum era, it was late and time for bed.

Day 4: Our last day in paradise!

You guys! I set up a photoshoot for this morning! I wanted some professional photos of us on this amazing trip to Hawaii! I check in for the photos and he says you have to have an in person session to view your images…in comes the dark thuneder clouds on my parade, I had to cancel the session because we had to be at the airport by 6am. Y’all I was so sad! My husband had snorkeling to get to that day so me and Luca hung around ordered some room service sat on the balcony enjoying the views, oh and of course Luca sent Hulk off the balcony for an adventure…sorry hulk, we got him back though. Oncce husband came back from his adventure we went on a beautiful stroll along the beach and witnessed a wedding! For dinner I had to get some KFC Cauliflower! who knows when ill find it again. Husband had another dinner/ award ceremoney to get to - so proud of him for accomplishing great things! this trip would not have happened without him! And I had a delicious glass of wine with dinner. Sadly, I went back to the room to pack us up and be ready to go at 6 in the morning. It was a struggle trying to fit everything but I did it!

Flying home

We arrive at the airport and it wasnt too busy but there is a decent amount of people there. We wait in line to check our bags and no joke there was one staff member per line. Thank goodness we got there when we did because the line grew within a matter of minutes. It took us about 30mins to get to the counter and we were the fourth people in line! We finally get on the plane and I was so ready to be done flying before we even started. Going home is not as fun and exciting as going to your desination. Luca did pretty well on the way back but he was ready to run around so once we got to our layover in Phoenix we let him do just that. I let him run free in the airport as I followed him to get as much energy as he could out. My husband was on food duty, PIZZA! who doesnt love pizza. Next flight Phoenix to Austin. Blessedly uneventful, we land in Austin! Thank goodness! I left my husband to get the bags and I headed strait for the car. 30mins later we were home! I cant wait to go back! Anyone need a photographer in Hawaii? Im Available!

Thank you to everyone for reading my blog, enjoy some photos of my trip!


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